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Our Responsibility

At Cyberfort, we know we must be accountable for how we do business, lead by example and do what’s right.  We are conscious of the kind of impacts we are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental.  By working together, we strongly believe it is our responsibility to empower our employees, our suppliers, our customers, and our wider networks to create a better world for our business and communities.


Our Sustainability Plan

To achieve our ambitions, and help us navigate the journey, we have developed Our Sustainability Plan, which clearly sets out our goals to be a sustainable, trusted, and progressive business and reiterates the goals and behaviours that are central to our culture. The framework sets out nine priorities, under three key pillars as a roadmap for delivering positive social impacts up to 2025.


View our Sustainability Plan 2022-2025.

Our Policy

Cyberfort’s Sustainability policy outlines our commitment towards measuring and managing the impacts of our organisation to improve health and education, reduce inequality, drive economic growth, and tackle climate change.

Our Approach

Our sustainability approach is holistic, encompassing initiatives that force for positive change and manage our impacts to maximise the net ‘social value’ we create.  By considering sustainability through the decisions we make as a business, including the way we operate, employ staff, engage with communities, and procure products and services, we can cultivate a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive society. 

Our Key Pillars

We recognise that we must adopt positive social impact strategies to improve health and education, reduce inequality, and drive economic growth, at the same time tackling climate change. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals guide Cyberfort’s sustainability principles and shape our sustainability plan, our key pillars have specific focus areas and targets and specific links to different UN SDGs as detailed here.



Supplier Diversity

Our people give us our competitive edge, and we want everyone to feel they are fulfilled, valued and healthy.

Key Commitment by 2025

Achieve Investors in People accreditation

Our Priorities:

  1. To develop talent through skills-based learning strategy for all to create and retain quality jobs.
  2. To create a great place to work by attracting and retaining a diverse workforce and fostering a truly inclusive culture where everyone can bring their true selves to work.
  3. To support our people’s wellbeing to help them thrive through healthy lifestyles.

We want to eliminate our impacts on the environment and mitigating the effects of climate change with our Net Zero commitments.

Key Commitment by 2025

Respond to climate change by managing our impact on the environment.

Our Priorities:

  1. To reduce our carbon footprint to net zero and adapt to climate change.
  2. To use materials and products from sustainable sources.
  3. To create greener and cleaner places to live and work.

Creating a responsible supply chain to work collaboratively and impact communities and  environment in a positive way.

Key Commitment by 2025

Build a healthy and diverse supply chain.

Our Priorities:

  1. To reduce the risk of modern slavery
  2. To increased spending with SMEs and VCSEs
  3. To paying suppliers promptly


Don’t miss our Resources available to download if you need more information on our Sustainability and Carbon Reduction Plan’s. 

Click here for Our Sustainability Plan.